Our Story

I’ve always found it fascinating to think of the world from a diversity perspective. The world of vast lands with extreme differences in geological landscapes, temperatures, people, music, food, ideals of beauty, cultures, and families. The differences in the way we celebrate and in the way we mourn. The way we grieve, and the places and means in which we find hope. The way we view God and our belief systems can be extremely diverse around the world, yet, there are many similarities permeating among them.

What I’ve found most captivating in my life is the realization that we are ALL special masterpieces of our Creator. God created this beautiful, expansive and grand world, and He created each of us as diverse and unique as the world itself.

I believe in Jesus Christ, and I believe He is my Savior. When you are a Christian, simply put, a Christ follower, you are often inclined to share the good news (the Gospel) of Jesus and eternal salvation with others. In knowing truth, I desire to share that goodness and mercy with others through my faith.

Heaven’s Passage started from an admiration of the world, its beauty, and its people. While it began from a love of travel, food, cultures, art, music, dancing, traditions, and communities, it led me to this path. It prompted me to explore the similarities and differences in the way we celebrate, the way we suffer, the way we handle hardship, the way we grieve. More importantly, how we hope, how we care for those with health hardships, and how we help those in need. How are we a reflection of God’s love? How do we witness to people in their time of trial? We will all leave this earth one day. Have you ever asked yourself, what is the ultimate purpose, the ultimate path, our ultimate destination?

During my lifetime, there are far too many times to count when I have witnessed God at work, and I have seen and felt his love and presence, in both my life and in other’s lives. It’s a joy not comparable to anything else I have ever experienced. While God has given us this beautiful earthly world, it’s diversity and awe-striking landscapes, I believe Heaven will be fantastically more beautiful.

I believe in eternal salvation. I believe everyone in the world should be able to know Jesus personally. I desire to celebrate God’s people throughout the world and to witness and share the love of Jesus and hope of eternal salvation to anyone whom God has put in my path, to be able to share a glimpse through the doorway of Heaven. I desire to invite those who don’t know Jesus personally, through a pathway to salvation and eternal life….Heaven’s Passage.

Beth Ford

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